Another new gadget…

Remember the friendship bracelets every tween and teen girl ever has made at one point in their pre-angst years?  I’m buried in them right now, my kids are rocking at least 3 each (except for the baby), and I’ve made a few as gifts.

A few days ago, I made an impulse crafting purchase.  (I know, you’re thinking…”SHOCKER”)

The LoopDeDoo was just hanging out on an end cap with some other brightly colored objects and I walked by and thought “oooo…shiny”.  It retails for $34.99 but, really, who ever pays full price at AC Moore?  I had a 50% off coupon and $10.00 in AC Moore Rewards, so it cost me $7.99.  Not bad.  It includes 18 skeins of thread, enough to make (according to the package) 14 bracelets.  The thread was fairly nice.  None of it ever broke and it only frayed once.  I’ll bet using DMC thread would make it a little nicer, though.

I watched the YouTube videos and taught myself to use the LoopDeDoo.  There isn’t much to it, just a platform, two hooks, and a crank.  The genius part it the little notch where you can place thread you’re not currently twisting and it keeps it out of the way while you’re working on the other parts.  You’d have to see it to know what I mean.

There’s also a storage drawer, but I don’t think the creators of this thought it through when making it small enough to hold about 10 skeins of thread.  I mean, don’t they know there are craft hoarders out there who own about 75 skeins of embroidery floss?

So my mom was over the other night and I cranked out about a dozen of these while chatting at the dining room table.  Last night I couldn’t sleep so I made some more, only I started to get creative with beads, charms, etc.  Ideally I’d like to incorporate a metal clasp but I’m not sure how I want to do it.  I guess I have a look in my head and I’m not sure how to translate it into the bracelet.  I Googled a bunch of terms relating to the LoopDeDoo but there is a surprising lack of information or photos of projects on the Web.  Maybe it’s a new product?  Have you seen it or used it?

**Disclaimer:  I purchased this product, LoopDeDoo has no idea who I am or why I would should be paid for being awesome at crafting but if they want to give me free stuff, I’m all about it!**

Paper beads

I’m on a paper bead kick-it’s easy and cheap and doesn’t require a lot of tools.  I happened to have a Klutz books kit that I got for about a dollar and really only bought it for the little paper roller tool in it.

I cannabalized a necklace that I inherited from my late mother in law and added the heart with wings charm, and strung it all on a stretchy cord.  Fun!

Cranio Bracelet Winner!

Thanks to everyone who played!  I chose the winner in a very scientific manner:  printing out all the entries and pulling one out of a hat.  (Well, actually it was a tupperware container fresh out of the dishwasher…but I digress)


And the winner is…


Heidi W!


Heidi, I have emailed you to get your contact info-please check your inbox!

Cranio Awareness/Acceptance Bracelet Giveaway

I’m giving away this bracelet (it’s better on wrists that aren’t freakishly small…seriously, it’s the only part of my body that’s too skinny!) to celebrate my new domain and making the blog official.  I just registered  Working on personalizing this blog and making it my own is going to be an ongoing project.

How to enter the giveaway:

(one entry) -Leave a comment here

(one entry)-Follow me on Twitter @TheCraftyGirl

(five entries)-Purchase something from my CafePress Cranio Awareness shop. (Let me know your email address so I can look in my sales report)


Winner will be drawn on Saturday, October 7th at 12:00 noon.


Psssst…this blog is fairly new so your chances of winning are great!  I only have three followers!

Two projects…

These are 2 projects that have been languishing in the studio for a while.  Just couldn’t get my self together enough to finish them.  They stared me in the eye and mocked me every day so last night I tackled them, along with sewing on patches to karate uniforms and Girl Scout vests, and making throw pillows for the basement playroom.

This was a Stampin’ Up! project I did during a Sunday Crafternoon in August.  I made 12 inserts to go inside it and I also have a couple of pictures to put in there as well.

This is what I ended up doing with the crystal awareness ribbon I made last week.  Stupid thing is way too big for my wrist and the ribbon is heavy and pulls the bracelet down so it’s always facing the floor.  Stupid gravity.

Next projects will be an infant hospital johnny and custom Baby Legs for the Little One and a pair of Thai fisherman wrap pants for me…

Addicted to Pinterest!

Must. Stop. Browsing. Pinterest.

I recently found this anthropologie necklace and fell in love.


And here is mine:

My cost?  Probably around 6.00.  Love when I can say, “I made that!”  I will try to get a pic of it on my neck.

I also made these earrings:

Truly Blessed

I made this necklace because the sentiment jumped right off the shelf at me and I knew that i would want to show off just how lucky I really am. I’ve got a family to lean on, a roof over my head, plenty of food in the fridge, the chance to stay home with my munchkins, and lots of great friends. The necklace says it all.


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